Robina Town Chiro

We specialise in Back/Head Pain, injuries, scoliosis, pregnancy and children. Both low and high force techniques offered. Full examination and report.

Do you suffer from neck, shoulder or low back ache, referred pain in the arms and legs,.sinus and allergies, sleep disorder or lack of energy? Is your baby/child suffering ear infections, bed wetting, asthma or just irritable? Is you pregnancy making you suffer or are you starting to "feel old"?

The only way to know if your health issue is due to a spinal condition is through a comprehensive chiropractic/orthopaedic examination and x-ray. Any other method is guessing. It is our policy to take a thorough history for all our clients, a full spinal examination, x-ray analysis and report before we do anything. (See 'What to expect.')

If you have a spinal problem we will explain it to you so you can make an informed decision about your health. You can patch it, fix it or maintain and prevent it. It's your choice.
